Can dogs eat hummus?

Can dogs eat hummus

Hummus, a Middle Eastern classic, is becoming a preferred food for many due to its thick and tasty sauce. Its rich and creamy texture, along with its wholesome ingredients, makes it a superfood. Speaking of its ingredients, hummus contains high amounts of fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that help in weight loss and maintaining a healthy diet. We know that your furry friend loves to watch you eat with their puppy eyes, hoping for a share of your food. 

However, despite the numerous social media videos of dogs devouring hummus or pizza, you might wonder if it’s safe to let your dog eat these kinds of snacks. So can dogs eat hummus?


Unfortunately, the ingredients in hummus that are healthy for us humans are toxic to dogs. Here are some reasons why you should avoid giving hummus to your dog:

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Can dogs eat hummus?

The word hummus is derived from the Arabic word for “chickpeas.” While chickpeas are healthy for both humans and dogs, hummus, on the other hand, contains various ingredients that can be harmful to your furry friend. Hummus is made of not just chickpeas, but also olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and salt to enhance its flavor, making it difficult for your dog to digest.

Garlic is one of the ingredients that make hummus a poor choice for your dog. Garlic is toxic to dogs and, when mixed with other ingredients, can harm your dog’s red blood cells. The amount of garlic present in hummus can be difficult to determine, as some people prefer it to be mild, while others like it to be more potent.

In addition to garlic, lemon juice is another harmful ingredient in hummus. The citric acid in lemon juice can cause severe stomach aches in dogs. Dogs have more sensitive stomachs than humans, so it’s best to avoid giving your dog any acidic foods.

Therefore, it’s important to keep hummus away from your dog and avoid sharing it with them to prevent any health issues. If you’re looking to feed your dog a healthy snack, opt for plain, cooked chickpeas instead of hummus.

My dog ate hummus accidentally! What should I do?

If you have left a plate full of hummus on the table and your curious furry friend has had a little taste, there’s no need to panic. A small amount of hummus may not cause many side effects on your dog’s stomach, but a large serving could lead to problems. It depends on the amount that your dog has consumed.

can dogs eat hummus

If you notice any symptoms such as vomiting, drooling, nausea, or ongoing pain in the abdomen after your dog has consumed hummus, it’s best to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Keep a close eye on your furry friend for any such symptoms.

Even if your dog seems to be fine after consuming hummus, there is still a possibility that long-term damage may have been done. Your dog may not exhibit immediate symptoms after consuming hummus, and toxicity symptoms may appear months or even years later as organ damage.

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It’s always better to avoid feeding your dog human snacks if you’re not sure if they’re safe. There are plenty of healthy, balanced diet foods with controlled safe treats like chicken, carrots, salmon, and more that your dog will surely enjoy and benefit from.

Hummus Without Garlic and Lemon Juice: Is It Safe for Your Dog?

Typically, people make hummus with garlic and lemon juice to give it a desirable flavor. However, as we mentioned earlier, hummus is primarily made from mashed chickpeas, which is considered healthy for your dog. If you want to feed your dog hummus, you can opt for a variation without any harmful or toxic ingredients.

In other words, plain hummus without garlic or lemon juice in small amounts may not harm your furry friend. Plain hummus is still high in fat and sodium, which can cause weight gain and health issues in dogs.

Stick to pet food and treats specifically formulated to meet your pet’s dietary needs as a responsible pet owner. If you’re unsure about what human foods are safe for your dog, consult your veterinarian for guidance.

How do I make hummus for my dog?

If you want to make hummus for your dog, it’s important to avoid any harmful or toxic ingredients. Traditional hummus contains garlic, lemon juice, and salt, which are not safe for dogs. However, there is an alternative ingredient you can use instead of garlic: roasted beets. This adds an extra flavor that your furry friend will surely love.

Keep in mind that excessive consumption of hummus can cause gas in your dog’s stomach, leading to bloating and discomfort. So, it’s best to feed it in moderation.

Here’s a recipe for garlic-free hummus that’s safe for your dog:


  • 1 can of chickpeas (save some of the juice)
  •  4 tablespoons of tahini
  •  1 tablespoon of cumin powder
  •  A pinch of paprika
  •  ½ tablespoon of olive oil
  •  2 tablespoons of cold water


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender.
  2.  Mix until you reach your desired consistency.
  3.  Store the hummus in the fridge for up to a week.

By following this recipe, you can provide your furry friend with a healthy and safe treatment. Remember to always monitor your dog’s consumption of hummus and other foods to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

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dog eating hummus

What are the best alternatives to chickpeas for my dog?

Chickpeas are not only a crucial ingredient in hummus, but they also offer many nutritional benefits to your furry friend. One of the significant advantages of chickpeas is that they are a cheap and convenient source of protein for your dog. Furthermore, their high fiber content helps combat constipation in dogs, making them ideal for promoting healthy digestive systems.

Chickpeas contain potassium, lecithin, and vitamins A, B, and C, all of which are essential nutrients for your dog.

Not only do these nutrients stimulate your dog’s memory and learning ability, but they are also essential for proper metabolism, and a healthy heart, kidneys, and digestive system.

Homemade hummus without salt, garlic, and lemon juice is safer for your dog and provides the benefits of chickpeas. Alternatively, you can cook and mash the chickpeas before adding them to your dog’s regular food or even dipping them in carrot sticks for a tasty protein boost.

Conclusion: Can dogs eat hummus?

While hummus may be a tasty and healthy snack for humans, it’s important to remember that it’s not safe to share it with your dog. If you’re looking to satisfy your furry friend’s craving for hummus, it’s essential to choose a dog-friendly version. Avoid giving your dog snacks that are high in garlic or acidity, as these could be harmful and even life-threatening.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to carefully check the ingredients in your dog’s food. To ensure your dog’s safety, stick to a hummus recipe that doesn’t contain garlic. While it’s generally safe, every dog is unique, and it’s always a good idea to monitor your pet’s reaction to new foods. In the end, it’s better to err on the side of caution and protect your dog’s health.