Can dogs eat plantains? Are plantains good for dogs?

Can Dogs Have Plantains

Plantains are like the banana’s cousin, but they have more starch and less sugar. If your dog enjoys bananas, they might like to taste a bit of plantain too! 

Before sharing new food with our furry friends, let’s find out if it’s safe and good for them. Can dogs eat plantains? Are plantains good for dogs?

Can dogs eat plantains
Photo by Henry Doe on Unsplash

Can dogs eat plantains? (The short answer)

Dogs can enjoy plantains as they are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, like treats, it’s crucial not to give them too much or too often. Also, make sure to cook plantains before offering them to your dog because raw ones might upset their stomach.

Keep in mind that accidents happen, and even with good intentions, dogs might eat things they shouldn’t. Sadly, these accidents can lead to unexpected veterinary bills, even if they’re not fatal. Stay vigilant!

Are plantains good for dogs?

We already talked about whether dogs can eat plantains. Now, let’s learn more about why plantains are good for dogs.

Yes, plantains are good for dogs! However, they shouldn’t be part of your dog’s meals. Instead, they are a special treat for special times.

 Plantains are full of nutrients, including many vitamins and minerals, along with a lot of fiber. This makes them a healthy treatment option.

The interesting thing about plantains is their fiber. Fiber is good for a dog’s digestion. But, if dogs overeat fiber, it can be not so good for their stomachs. 

So, it’s important to give plantains in moderation. Even though fiber is healthy, too much of it can cause problems.

Let’s look at some of the vitamins and minerals in plantains! Plantains have vitamins A and C, and minerals like magnesium and potassium. These nutrients can help your dogs in different ways:

  • Vitamin A helps with growth, immune function, and cell function.
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) reduces inflammation, slows cognitive aging, and gets rid of free radicals.
  • Magnesium is needed for hormone secretion and maintaining balance in cell membranes.
  • Potassium helps with electrical charges that operate the heart, nerves, and muscles.
Can Dogs Have Plantains
Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

Are plantains bad for dogs?

Now, let’s understand if there are any problems with dogs eating this food.

There are a few things to be careful about when it comes to dogs eating plantains. Plantains are not bad for dogs, but they have to be cooked before being given to them. This is because plantains have a lot of starch that can be hard for dogs to digest and might upset their stomachs. Cooking them makes the starch easier for dogs to digest.

So, how should you cook plantains for your dog? You can bake, boil, grill, or fry them, but it’s important to make sure they are cooked. Boiling for about 25-30 minutes is a good way. Frying or baking may add things that are not good for dogs. 

Also, fried foods can be dangerous for dogs and may cause a problem called pancreatitis. Always cut plantains into small pieces that are safe for your dog to eat without choking.

One more thing to remember is that there is another plant called “Plantains Lily” that looks like lavender and is poisonous to dogs. This plant doesn’t have fruit and should be kept away from dogs.

How to prepare plantains for dogs

To make sure plantains are safe and easy for dogs to eat, you need to prepare them . Here are the steps:

  1. Choose ripe plantains: Pick plantains that are yellow and soft. Green ones are harder to digest and can upset your dog’s stomach.
  2. Peel and remove threads: Take off the peel and remove any threads along the fruit. Threads can cause problems for your dog.
  3. Cook or steam: Boil or steam the plantains to make them soft and easy to digest. Make sure they are cooked before giving them to your dog.
  4. Let them cool: Allow the cooked plantains to cool down before giving them to your dog. Make sure they are not too hot to avoid burning your dog’s mouth.

By preparing plantains this way, you can make sure your dog enjoys them without any digestion issues.

Can dogs eat fried plantains
Photo by Sandip Kalal on Unsplash

Can dogs eat fried plantains?

No, dogs should not eat fried plantains. Even though they might taste good, fried and fatty foods are not safe for dogs. They can make the pancreas get inflamed, leading to something called pancreatitis, which can be very serious and even fatal. If your dog eats fried food and shows signs like throwing up, having diarrhea, not wanting to eat, or being very tired, you should call the vet right away.

Can dogs eat sweet plantains?

Yes, dogs can eat sweet plantains! Sweet plantains are ripened ones, which means they are softer, yellower, and sweeter. However, they are still starchy, so remember to cook them before giving them to your dog. And, like with regular plantains, they should only be given as a special treat, not all the time.

Can dogs eat raw plantains?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat raw plantains! Raw plantains have a lot of starch that’s hard for dogs to digest. Cooking changes the starch into something easier for them to digest. It’s like why people don’t eat raw potatoes?

Important: Some human foods can be dangerous for dogs! Check out our free guide for a list of foods your dog should avoid.

Can dogs eat raw plantains
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Conclusion: Can Dogs Have Plantains?

Yes, dogs can enjoy plantains! Plantains are full of good things like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They’re a tasty treat with less sugar than bananas. Remember to cook the plantains before giving them to your dog!

Alternative healthy vegetables for dogs

If you’re thinking of other veggies for your dog, there are some healthy options:

Carrots: Dogs can enjoy crunchy and vitamin-packed carrots as snacks.

Zucchini: This vegetable is easy to digest and full of fiber and vitamins. Dogs can have it steamed or raw.

Cucumbers: With lots of water, cucumbers are a cool and hydrating choice. Cut them into small pieces.

Remember, give veggies in moderation and watch for any reactions. Every dog is different, so consider your dog’s needs and what they can handle.

Read also if dogs can eat plums.