Why do cats cover their face when they sleep?

The adorableness of cats as pets is evident in many different ways. You may have observed that your feline companion enjoys sleeping in a variety of positions. Additionally, you’ll typically find your furry, little friend covering its face while dozing off by using its paws or tail. Animal behavior can only have one of two causes: either it is inherited or it is acquired. So, Why do cats cover their face when they sleep?

Why do cats cover their face when they sleep?
Unusual Locations a Cat Might Sleep
How Do Cats Sleep?

To keep their noses and bodies warm while they sleep, the majority of cats cover their faces. A cat typically forms a ball when it wraps its paws or tail around its face. Because of its rounded shape, the cat can retain the most heat while sleeping, which makes for a comfortable and restful experience.

Although this is the primary explanation for why do cats cover their face when they sleep, this post will later highlight several additional explanations.

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How Do Cats Sleep?

The domestic cat enjoys sleeping just like most other cats do. Some cats can sleep up to 20 hours per day, with the average cat sleeping for about 15 hours each day.

In general, gloomy, chilly, or rainy weather encourages longer sleep durations. Only other equally crucial activities—such as eating, drinking, playing, prowling, and urinating—will disturb a cat’s sleep cycle.

 Cats are crepuscular creatures, which means they are more active in the hours between dusk and dawn. Domestic cats, despite being natural predators, also face a variety of dangers at night because of their relatively small size. Depending on where you live, these can include anything from snakes to leopards, wild dogs, coyotes, wolves, etc.

Therefore, it is in their nature to remain vigilant at night, fend off potential threats, and pursue any kind of prey that comes into view. Cats prefer to nap during the day because it poses few dangers to their lives.

Additionally, by sleeping during the day, felines can accumulate the energy reserves they need to hunt, fend off predators, or play at night.

Cats take brief naps instead of humans who sleep for long periods, occasionally being roused by sounds and smells in their napping area. They can detect even the smallest sounds, such as a mouse moving in the walls or attic, thanks to their keen senses of smell and hearing.

Why do cats cover their face when they sleep?
Unusual Locations a Cat Might Sleep
How Do Cats Sleep?

Therefore, despite appearing to be soundly asleep, cats are still alert and quick to respond when necessary.

Although cats sleep at different times from their human owners, they go through the same stages of sleep. A cat usually enters slow-wave sleep when it nods off before transitioning to REM sleep. Cats may dream, as evidenced by the twitching of their paws, tails, or whiskers, during the REM stage.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that not all cats sleep curled up with their paws or tails covering their faces. Some people would rather sleep upright.

Additionally, because cats and their owners often form such close bonds, they may give up their natural circadian rhythm to fit into their owners’ schedules. That explains why you eventually notice that your adorable little friend now starts to go to bed at the same time as you do. Additionally, they’ll attempt to snuggle up next to you while sleeping next to your pillow and snoring the night away.

Why do cats cover their face when they sleep?

As we’ve already mentioned, your feline friend cat covering face while sleeping primarily to conserve as much heat as possible.

Cats are aware that how peaceful their sleep affects how much energy it preserves. In addition, a threat may cause a cat to wake up from its nap. And the cat will need to conserve as much energy as it can while it is sleeping to successfully ward off such threats.

The following are some more reasons why do cats cover their face when they sleep.

  • Feels Comfortable

Everybody has a different way of sleeping.

While others prefer to sleep on their sides, some of us prefer to sleep on our stomachs or our backs. Some of us even decide to cuddle up on our pillows just to get a restful and comfortable night’s sleep. To think that cats don’t have preferred, cozy sleeping positions would be naive.

So it stands to reason that if your feline friend covers its face with its paws while it sleeps, the cat may prefer that position.

  • Feeling of safety

Cats are natural predators, as we already mentioned, but they are also frequently weak prey. You won’t catch your furball with its guard down because they are well aware of that fact.

Cats are prepared to go above and beyond to ensure their safety. One method the cat uses to ensure its safety while sleeping is to cover its face with its paws or tail. Because a cat’s face is the most delicate part of its body, it cannot afford to be suddenly attacked and have its face torn apart.

Some cats feel secure by completely burying their heads in a laundry basket or a blanket in addition to covering their faces with their paws or tails. Additionally, the cat will typically pick a vantage point for its sleeping space. This may be on a high point or in a location where the entrance and exit points are visible.

  • Blocking Out Light

Why cats cover eyes when sleeping? The presence of light is a significant barrier to restful sleep. You’ll notice that when your cat naps during the day, it selects a relatively dark location. The cat will also recognize a dark room if it prefers to sleep at night.

But what if the lighting is dispersed throughout the room and your feline friend is unable to shield itself from its glare? The cat will, however, merely cover its face with its paws or tail.

  • Blocking Out Noise

Significant sleep-inhibiting factors include light and noise. Your cat will therefore attempt to block out ambient noise in the same way that it would cover its eyes to block out light.

You’ve probably heard it said that quiet noise helps people have restful sleep cycles. However, given their keener sense of hearing, it’s unclear if the same applies to cats.

Any noise can pique a cat’s interest, no matter how faint. However, if there is nothing the cat can do to stop excessive background noise, it will cover its face with its paws to block out the noise.

  • Too Tired

Pet cats are very active animals. They spend one-third of the day playing, prowling, and grooming themselves while sleeping for two-thirds of the day. These exhaust your feline friend to the point of exhaustion.

The cat may fall asleep while grooming because it is so exhausted. In these situations, the cat will naturally place its paws over its face and leave them there because it is too exhausted to move them. What appears to be the cat’s deliberate attempt to cover its face with a paw is a grooming session that was interrupted.

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Unusual Locations a Cat Might Sleep

A cat has the freedom to choose where and how to sleep throughout the home. However, the preferred location will probably provide comfort, and security, and is hidden from the prying eyes of all other household members. However, one of the most intriguing sleeping spots for cats is on their owner’s bed.

The majority of cats prefer to rest on their owners’ beds for the reasons listed below;

  • Your body heat is enjoyed by the cat.
  • Given the close relationship between the cat and its owner,
  • The scent emanating from the bed is savory and soothing.
  • Cuddled next to you, your little furry friend feels more secure, and
  • The cat is guarding you.

Cats are a creature of habit, it should be noted. The cat will become curious after seeing you go to bed every night and start to imitate your actions. The cat claims that another household custom that every member must follow is sleeping on its owner’s bed.

Some cat owners adore sharing their beds with their feline friends, while others find the idea repulsive. Nevertheless, there are advantages and disadvantages to letting your cat share your bed.

First off, sharing a bed with a cat strengthens the bond between the cat and its owner. Additionally, the cat might protect from nocturnal dangers like snakes, spiders, etc.

The warmth generated by the cat and owner’s bodies while cuddling will contribute to a cozier sleeping environment. Finally, being around cats may help you feel less stressed.

On the other hand, cats frequently fidget, which may repeatedly disturb their owner’s sleep. Additionally, because cats are inherently crepuscular, the constant movement in your bedroom will keep you from sleeping.

Keep in mind that cats are attention-seeking creatures and may start purring or meowing at night to attract their owner’s attention. Last but not least, if you sleep with your cat, you risk crushing the little furry creature as you toss and turn on the bed. Most cats are aware of this and will select a location near the pillow where it is safer.


You may have always pondered, like the majority of pet owners, why cats cover their faces with their paws. We certainly hope the many explanations listed in this article will help put an end to your confusion.

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Article source All Cats Secret