Taking care of your dogs diet is very important to keep them healthy and happy. Many dog owners are now searching for natural ways to feed their furry companions, ensuring they get all the necessary nutrients. Some even opt for ecological dog food.
However, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian to avoid any food deficiencies or accidentally feeding them harmful fruits and vegetables. If you want to give your dog a healthy and natural diet, do not miss this article in which we will answer the following question: Can Dogs Eat Eggs?
Can dogs eat eggs? Is egg good for dogs?
Yes, dogs can eat eggs because they have lots of proteins that dogs need. Proteins are very important for dogs because they help them grow and stay healthy.
Eggs also have fats that are good for dogs. Eating eggs doesn’t make dogs have too much cholesterol because the fats in eggs are good for them. Eggs also have vitamins and minerals that dogs need, like vitamins A and B, iron, and selenium. Eggs are a good and cheap food for dogs.
How to give the egg to the dog: cooked or raw?
If the dog lived in the wilderness, it would probably discover eggs and devour them. That’s why some people believe it’s better to feed the dog raw eggs. This viewpoint is strongly supported by experts in dog nutrition who advocate for the BARF diet. They also suggest adding a small piece of crushed eggshell to the raw egg to provide more minerals.
Dog egg white
But, here’s the thing to think about: Can dogs handle the weight of raw eggs in their tummy? Raw egg whites have a protein called avidin that can make it harder for dogs to absorb vitamin H or biotin. However, dogs can digest raw eggs better than humans can. It would take eating a lot of raw eggs to have a biotin deficiency, which is something that should be avoided.
The yolk of the dog
If you give your dog the whole egg, including the yolk, it will receive a lot of biotin. This is because the yolk contains a large amount of biotin. The yolk is also a great source of proteins, iron, and vitamins that are important for your dog’s immune system. Don’t worry about giving your dog the raw yolk, it won’t cause any problems. It will only provide benefits for your furry friend.
The shell of the dog
As previously mentioned, some people believe that giving dogs eggshells is beneficial. It provides an important source of calcium for their teeth and bones. However, it is crucial to shred the shell very thinly to avoid any harm to our furry friends. The shell should be finely chopped into dust to prevent any injuries inside their mouths. Don’t forget to wash the shell thoroughly before giving it to your dog. Raw eggs may contain salmonella bacteria, so it’s essential to wash them properly before serving.
One way to prevent salmonellosis is by feeding the dog a cooked egg. When we cook the egg, it changes the avidin and makes it safe for the dog to eat. Cooked eggs are also a good source of proteins and fats for dogs. That’s why dogs can enjoy eating cooked eggs.
Read Also: Can dogs eat cat food? Will cat food harm my dog?
How many eggs a dog eat
Dogs need protein to stay healthy. While eggs are a good source of protein, the main source should be meat. This is because dogs are carnivores and meat proteins are the best for them.
If you are unsure about how many eggs a dog can eat, it’s important to remember that they should only have an egg occasionally. Giving your dog an egg once or twice a week is enough. However, if your dog is overweight, it’s best to give them just one egg per week.
Were you informed that eggs are not good for dogs? Were you aware that eggs have many advantages for our furry companions?