Can dogs eat mandarins?

Can dogs eat mandarins

You probably care a lot about what your pet eats to keep it healthy. Besides regular dog food, dogs can also eat fruits and vegetables.

Can dogs eat mandarins? We’ll tell you all about it—whether it’s good for your dog and how to give it to them. Keep reading!

Benefits of mandarins for dogs
Photo by Tyler Shaw on Unsplash

Is fruit good for dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat many fruits, and some are even good for them! But it’s important to be careful with the amount because dogs are a bit different from us when it comes to eating fruits. They might get sick if they eat too much. Dogs don’t process sweet fruits like we do, so it’s best to give them only a little.

It’s a good idea to talk to a vet before giving your dog new fruits, just to be safe. If you want to feed your dog more natural food instead of regular dog food, a vet who knows about nutrition can help.

Here are some fruits that are usually okay for dogs:

Can dogs eat mandarins? The answer

Mandarins are a healthy and safe fruit for your dog, even though some dogs might not like them because of their tangy taste. If your furry friend enjoys them, that’s great because mandarins have lots of good things like vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber, and more. These can be good for your dog’s health!

Side Effects of Manderins in Dogs
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Benefits of mandarins for dogs

Mandarins have good stuff like vitamin C, which is like a superhero for your dog’s immune system, keeping them strong. They’re also great for keeping your dog hydrated because they have lots of water, especially on hot days. The fiber in mandarins helps with your dog’s digestion, and there’s calcium and protein that make their bones and muscles strong! Eating mandarins can be like a tasty and healthy treat for your furry friend.

Side Effects of Manderins in Dogs

When you give your dog something new to eat, there’s a chance it might not agree with them. Even though tangerines are usually safe, some dogs might not like them.

Watch out for these signs:

  1. Itching: If your dog starts scratching a lot.
  2. Red Skin: Check for redness on their skin.
  3. Swollen Face or Paws: Look out for a puffy face or paws.
  4. Upset Tummy: If your dog has a funny tummy, like diarrhea or vomiting.
  5. Strange Behavior: If your dog acts differently than usual.

If you see any of these signs, your dog might not be a fan of tangerines. Keep an eye on them, especially the first few times you share fruit with your furry friend.

How to give mandarins to dogs?

The first thing you need to know before introducing mandarin oranges into your dog’s diet is that:

  1. No Seeds or Skin: Don’t give your dog mandarins with seeds; they can upset their tummy. Also, take off the skin because it can be hard to digest. You can check against the light to make sure there are no seeds.
  2. Watch the Amount: Don’t give too many mandarins to your dog. Treats like these should only be a small part (around 10-15%) of what your dog eats in a day. Don’t give them every day; mix it up with other treats.
  3. Check with the Vet: Always talk to your vet before sharing new treats with your dog. They’ll tell you how much is okay.
  4. Start Slow: Give your dog a little piece first to see if they like it. If they do, you can give them a bit more, but always keep an eye on how they feel afterward.
  5. Frozen Treats: In hot weather, you can freeze mandarin slices for a cool snack. But don’t give too much juice; it can make your dog gain weight.
Can dogs eat mandarins
Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

Giving Mandarin to my dog

If you want to give your dog Mandarin, start small. Give a tiny piece and see if your dog likes it.

Dogs usually don’t like sour things, so try a bit yourself to make sure it’s a little sweet. If your dog wants more and enjoys it, you can give a bit more, but not too much. Watch how your dog reacts. If your dog vomits or feels bad, don’t give it again.

It’s not a good idea to give mandarin juice to your dog. When you squeeze the fruit for juice, you lose the healthy fiber. Juice can also make your dog gain weight because the sugars go into the blood quickly. It’s better to give the whole fruit or slice by slice.

You can make homemade mandarin ice cream in the summer or anytime with other suitable fruits. For mandarin ice cream, put the segments in the freezer for a few minutes or hours, or make popsicles with mandarin juice, but give those less often.

Now that you know, try to let your dog enjoy the good things about Mandarin and have a tasty treat!