Dog Vitamins. The most important vitamins for dogs?

vitamins for dog

Curious about your dog vitamins? I explored various sources and consulted with vets to identify the best ones.

Let’s focus on the essential aspects of vitamins A, B, D3, E, and K. This information is simplified for a third-grade level and includes some enhancements. Stay tuned for additional details!

dog vitamins

Vitamin B complex for dogs

Vitamin B is a group of essential vitamins crucial for a dog’s body, supporting metabolism and various functions. Since dogs store only a small amount, they need a regular supply, ideally from food.

There are foods and supplements with Vitamin B, beneficial for vegetarian dogs, and are even used by some owners to prevent ticks. Vitamin B is vital for growth, a healthy appetite, and more, found naturally in meat, milk, and fish. Signs of deficiency include tiredness, sadness, allergies, and gray hair. If you’re considering supplements, especially for puppies, consult your vet first for the right advice and precautions.

Dosage of dog vitamins

Today, you can give your pet vitamins in two ways: as capsules or tablets. Pick the one your pet likes. Follow the instructions on the package or ask your vet for the right dose.

Small dogs usually take one capsule a day, while bigger ones may need two. You can mix the vitamins into their food, especially wet food, as capsules dissolve well in it.

It’s crucial to give the correct amount of vitamin B for your dog’s healthy development. If you already feed your pet high-quality food, you might not need extra vitamins. But for a vegetarian diet, consider giving additional vitamin B.


Vitamin B12 for dogs

Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is important for the body’s metabolism. It helps folic acid and the transfer of methyl groups.

Not having enough B12 can cause blood cell and neurological problems, showing signs like tiredness, paleness, and trouble concentrating after a few years. Some good dog foods have a bit of B12, but to avoid a shortage, use dog food with B12 or give B12 supplements to your furry friend.

Folic acid

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9 or vitamin M, is part of the B vitamin group. It’s a man-made version of folate, which the body absorbs differently. These vitamins are important for cell division and growth.

Dogs can usually make folate on their own, so a deficiency is unlikely. However, research suggests using folic acid in pregnant dogs or puppies to reduce the risk of certain issues.

Problems like open wounds, skin changes, low weight gain in pregnancy, less appetite, or anemia might show a lack of folic acid, but it’s not easy to notice. Having too much folic acid is fine because the body removes the extra. You can find folate in green leafy veggies, wheat germ, yeast, and liver.

puppy stay

Vitamin D3 for dogs

Vitamin D3 is crucial for absorbing calcium and phosphorus, preventing bone loss. If your dog lacks it, mood and mental state can be affected because it regulates serotonin.

Young dogs may get rickets with soft bones due to a vitamin D deficiency. Too much vitamin D can lead to calcification. Sunlight is the main source, but dogs with thick fur may need supplements. Good dog food has enough vitamin D3, but if you cook or feed raw, consider adding supplements.

Vitamin E

Your pet gets vitamin E from food, especially unsaturated fatty acids. During pregnancy and growth, they need more vitamin E, which can be added with cod liver oil or fish oils.

Signs of a vitamin E deficiency include weight loss, muscle weakness, weakened immune system, blood disorders, skin problems, reduced fertility, and eye diseases. There’s no known risk of getting too much vitamin E, and no studies have shown any problems with an overdose.

Vitamin A for dogs

Vitamin A is in certain fats and is needed for fat metabolism. It’s mainly stored in the liver. Animal-based foods like cod liver oil, eggs, milk, fish oil, and liver have active vitamin A. Skimmed milk has very little vitamin A.

Vitamin A is crucial for vision, making antibodies, and a dog’s growth. Signs of a deficiency include infertility, cloudy corneas, hearing loss, nerve damage, skin issues, infection vulnerability, and issues in pregnant dogs. Too much vitamin A can cause long-term heart and artery damage, cleft palate in puppies, poor weight gain, loss of appetite, and joint pain.

For a healthy metabolism and cell division, your furry friend needs biotin, also known as vitamin B7. The right amount is crucial for blood sugar, giving your dog a shiny coat, healthy skin, and a good coat structure.

Biotin is important for barfing and normal dog nutrition, with an adult dog needing about 40 mg per day from their diet.

Signs of biotin deficiency include brittle fur, shedding, eczema, itching, hair loss, and lower vitality, especially in older dogs. Biotin is in many foods like organ meats, egg yolks, yeast, wheat bran, oatmeal, salmon, carrots, and beef muscle meat.

Vitamin K for dogs

Don’t forget vitamin K – it does many important things in the body:

  • Keeps the intestines healthy
  • Supports the liver and kidneys
  • Helps blood clotting
  • Boosts the immune system

Tip: You can get natural vitamin K from leafy veggies like spinach. But be careful! Puppies should avoid it, and large dogs should have it in small amounts. Luckily, there are safe alternatives like good vitamin tablets.

vitamins for dog

How good are vitamin tablets?

Usually, your dog gets all the needed vitamins from high-quality dog food. It has everything for everyday life. But sometimes, supplements are necessary, especially in certain situations. There are many dog supplements available.

Don’t just use any supplements on your own. Ask your vet about what’s needed and the right dosage. It’s crucial not to give too much, as it can harm your pet in the long run.

Typically, vitamin tablets should only be given for a short time. Once the deficiency signs are gone, you can stop the supplements.

The solution to deficiency symptoms

Many supplements are available for your dog nowadays. When picking the right dog food, make sure it has a healthy mix of ingredients, including proteins, vegetables, and vitamins.

A balanced diet usually prevents nutritional deficiencies for your pet. If your dog is pregnant, be extra cautious. Consult your vet to ensure the right vitamin amounts for your dog during pregnancy.