My dog is stressed. Here’s what to do!

continental bulldog, dog, nature

There are many possible causes of stress for a dog: let’s find out how to recognize the symptoms and solve the problem!

My dog is stressed.
Photo by whitedaemon on Pixabay

My dog is stressed. What should I do?

Have you ever accidentally scolded your dog for things they couldn’t control? Sometimes, we may mix up signs of stress with things that need correction. It’s not because we don’t love our furry friends; there are many reasons we might not notice causing nervousness in our dogs.

Things like not having enough time for walks, loud noises, not being able to move, meeting other dogs on a leash, or being alone inside for a long time can make dogs stressed. Dogs have to adapt to changes in their human life, like new family members, moving, or holiday trips. Also, a dog can feel the owner’s stress and emotions more than we realize.

So, many situations can stress your dog, leading to behavior problems, aggression, or fears. Not all excitement is bad, though. For example, when your dog gets happy chasing a ball or gets a treat for listening, it’s positive stress. But too much of these things, like too strict training or too many things happening around, can become stressful for your dog.

In short, it’s important not to ignore signs of stress, figure out why your puppy feels stressed, and find ways to help.

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Photo by Ylanite on Pixabay

How to understand the stress on my dog

  1. Growling: Growling is like your dog’s way of saying, “I’m not comfortable.” It’s not usually meant to be mean, but more like a warning. Instead of getting mad at your dog for growling, give them space or find a different way to ask for what you need.
  2. Whining or Barking: Dogs might whine or bark when they feel stressed. It’s like their way of telling you something’s making them anxious. Pay attention to these sounds, but remember, dogs can whine or bark for other reasons too.
  3. Body Language: Dogs have ways of showing they’re stressed without making sounds. They might show the whites of their eyes, tuck their ears, or raise the fur on their back. Watch out for these signs to understand how your dog feels.
  4. Freezing: If your dog gets very still or stiff, it means they’re stressed about something they see. It’s like a warning sign that they can’t handle the situation, and it’s important to pay attention.
  5. Pacing: When dogs walk back and forth a lot, it means they can’t calm down because something is bothering them. If you notice this, it’s a clue about what might be making your dog anxious.

Remember, every dog is different, and the context matters. Some dogs growl while playing, which is okay. But if you’re unsure about your dog’s feelings, it’s a good idea to talk to a professional dog trainer or your veterinarian. And if your dog starts acting suddenly, a visit to the vet is a good idea.

Symptoms of stress in a dog

Is your dog acting different, stressed, or nervous? Look out for signs like:

  1. Moving too much: Stressed dogs can’t stay still and might bite things to release tension.
  2. Doing things a lot: If your dog barks or does things much more than usual, it might mean stress.
  3. Doing the same thing over and over: Dogs might do habits that seem to have no reason, like biting their tail.
  4. Making more spit: If your dog has a lot more drool than usual, it could be a sign of stress.
  5. Not paying attention: A stressed dog might be too nervous to follow commands.
  6. Breathing heavily: Dogs might breathe fast in situations where they should be calm.
  7. Acting aggressively or running away: A stressed dog can react this way in new situations.
  8. Losing hair: If your dog sheds a lot or pulls out hair, it could be a sign of chronic stress.
  9. Stiff muscles: If your dog often stands in a waiting position, it might mean stress.
  10. Acting differently: If your dog starts acting in a way you’re not used to, it could be a sign of stress.
puppy, bulldog, dog
Photo by vlaaitje on Pixabay

The causes that stressed your dog

Many things can make a dog feel stressed. It’s not easy to list them all, but we can talk about what dogs need to be happy:

  1. Good food to eat.
  2. A place to live that fits their needs.
  3. No injuries or sickness.
  4. The freedom to express themselves.
  5. No fears.

By giving your dog these things, you’re helping them have a good life. But sometimes, it’s hard to keep them from being scared. For example, if your dog didn’t learn how to be around people, animals, and the world outside, they might get worried.

Your dog is experiencing stress.? The solutions

If your dog seems stressed, it’s time to help them feel better!

First, don’t use punishments or yell at them, as it can make things worse. Instead, encourage good behavior with rewards and understand their instincts. If your dog is scared of things, like other dogs, take it slow. Start in quiet places and try different areas.

continental bulldog, dog, nature
Photo by Pitsch on Pixabay

Cuddles and gentle massages are great ways to comfort your dog. Play calm games together, like finding smells. And, don’t forget, going on walks for at least 30/60 minutes a day can make your dog feel happy. Let them sniff around without rushing.

By taking these steps, your dog might feel less stressed in less than a month. But if the stress continues or they have big fears, it’s a good idea to ask a professional for help.

References: How To Tell if Your Dog Is Stressed from